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Rest Haven Funeral Home and Cemetery • November 21, 2022
Military Honors for Your Loved One
Is your loved one eligible for military honors at their Maugansville funeral? Click here as Rest Haven Funeral Home and Cemetery shares what you need to know. 
funeral homes in Maugansville, MD

Military honors at a burial are a way to pay respect to those who have served in the armed forces. There is great care and attention given to these honors and they make a dramatic and impactful sight for all those who attend. To make sure your loved one receives the military honors they are entitled to, directors of funeral homes in Maugansville, MD. share what you need to know. 

Is Everyone in the Armed Forces Entitled to Military Honors? 

Under the National Defense Act, it is ruled that if your loved one was in the armed forces, they are entitled to military honors at their funeral service. This is the same whether they were in active duty at their time of passing, a veteran or retired. 

No matter how long they served, or in what branch, your loved one would be entitle to the minimum of: 

  • Flag ceremony - This is a ritual where the United States flag is folded into a triangle with the blue and start visible on the outside. This is done with great focus and precision by the soldiers with the flag being folded 13 times representing the 13 original colonies. 

  • Presentation of the flag to the family - After the flag is folded, the soldiers from the military will present it to the spouse, child, parent, or next of kin. The following words are mandated by the Department of Defense (DOD) and are what will be said to the family: 

 “On behalf of the President of the United States, (the United States Army; the United States Marine Corps; the United States Navy; the United States Air Force or the United States Coast Guard), and a grateful nation, please accept this flag as a symbol of our appreciation for your loved one’s honorable and faithful service.” 

  • The playing of Taps - Also called “Day is Done”, and “Butterfly’s Lullaby” this tune is very recognizable and is typically played on a bugle or trumpet. 

Some individuals may be entitled to additional honors such as fly overs and shots fired. The specific honors your loved one is entitled to will be based on their individual factors. 

Requesting Military Honors for Your Loved One 

When working with a funeral home, the funeral director can assist you in requesting the proper military honors for your loved one. They have the knowledge and expertise to know exactly what forms are needed and what paperwork must be completed. 

If you are requesting the military honors on your own, you can go to the National Department of Defense website and find all the information there for what you need to do as well as what needs to be submitted.  The memorial tribute you choose to create could be big or small. 


Are Military Honors Available For Those in the National Guard? 

If your loved one served in the National Guard, they are also entitled to military honors. You would go about requesting honors the same way for any other branch of the armed forces. 

If you need help in requesting military honors for your loved one, let us know. As directors of funeral homes in Maugansville, MD. we are very familiar with the policies and procedures and can help take care of this for you so that you may focus your attention on other important matters.   

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